Google pushed out a hefty batch of patches in its regular security update, with a few other phones getting some much-needed improvements.
Galaxy S5: To some, Samsung may be earning a failing grade when it comes to app updates, but at least you’ll be happy to finally have Marshmallow if this is your phone. Sprint says an over-the-air update has begun, which will finally bring Doze, Google Now on Tap, and all the other cool features to your tried-and-true GS5.
Android Wear
Sony Smartwatch 3: This one took a while, but the Marshmallow update is finally here. Google developer advocate Wayne Piekarski says that the rollout should take a few weeks, but once it’s done developers will be able to drop support for API 22 (Lollipop) from their Wear apps. Imagine that: with phones and tablets only about four percent have the latest build of Android.
April security update: Another month, another group of bugs squashed. Google posted the Nexus Security Bulletin this week and it’s a doozy: 29 different vulnerabilities, which is much higher than normal. You can grab the factory images now or wait for the over-the-air update. These security patches are also available for other handset makers, but they usually take much longer to roll out.
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